Oh Instagram, how we love thee.
You help us pass the time without the commitment it takes to scroll Facebook.
You allow us to e-stalk our friends, celebrities and favorite brands.
We’ve seen it all while perusing your platform, from our ex’s honeymoon photos to Lil Bunny Sue Roux, the cutest two legged cat ever. You’ve been there for us through mandatory conference calls, long lines at the post office, carpool, sleepless nights and then some. You’ve become one of the fastest growing social platforms ever. And it’s easy to see why.
You hooked us early on with your perfect blend of voyeurism and narcissism. We can see exotic and charmed lifestyles, real, messy lives, and we can curate whatever kind of life we want people to see us having. Once we were all invested, you changed everything. And by everything, we mean the timeline.
Seriously, Instagram, what's wrong with a chronological newsfeed? Click To TweetUse an algorithm if you must, but show us things as they happen. When we hop on Instagram after a glass of wine on a Thursday night, we want to know what happened THURSDAY. Not three days ago, or even two weeks ago.
My research findings are clear. Every single person who took my informal survey, which mainly consisted of me lamenting the lack of a “most recent” option on Instagram in front of people, agreed. All the people I know would prefer the Instagram newsfeed to be chronological.
Today’s news cycle moves at lightning speed. If someone is following a political figure, for example, the updates posted from a mere 4 days ago are practically outdated, much less two weeks. Seriously, can anyone tell me (without googling) what the headlines were a couple weeks ago? If a local business wishes to get the word out about an event, you know, one their audience may want to attend, it can be frustrating to see the post after the event has already passed.
I’m sure the people who work for the largest social networks around know what they are doing, but this is one area where Instagram is seriously missing the mark. Even Facebook has the option to see the newsfeed in chronological order…which, by the way, should be the default. But that’s another post!
Tell us, do YOU think Instagram should offer the option for a chronological newsfeed?